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Coordinate anti-corruption strategies to defend democracy

cartolina evento Coordinare le strategie anticorruzione
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The 5th National Action Plan focuses on promoting integrity and preventing corruption, and in particular strengthening anti-corruption strategies with the contribution of institutional actors and civil society. Following recent international events, the need to coordinate such strategies also emerges to contrast phenomena, such as kleptocracy and international corruption, which directly threaten the democracies of Western countries. The webinar aims at broadening the debate on current initiatives, also identifying potential future actions to be included in the agenda for Open Government in Italy.


  • Opening works - Sauro Angeletti, Civil Service Department
  • Thematic framework and first round of questions on relevant phenomena: kleptocracy, money laundering, international corruption - Massimo Di Rienzo, TF OGP
  • How kleptocracies interfere in the decisions of States: the Revolving Door and lobbying activities on national and European institutions - Federico Anghelè, The Good Lobby
  • Typical international money laundering schemes and the role of the Financial Information Units - Italo Borrello, UIF Bank of Italy
  • Second round of questions: how to strengthen the integrity of Western democracies and recovery and resilience programs - Massimo Di Rienzo, TF OGP
  • The integrity of public decisions. Transparency of relations between stakeholders and decision makers - Federico Anghelè, The Good Lobby
  • The coordination of anti-corruption and anti-money laundering strategies and the instrument of transparency of beneficial owners: how to use it and why. The national framework and international coordination - Italo Borrello, UIF Bank of Italy
  • The state of the art of fighting corruption in the international arena - Giovanni Tartaglia Polcini, MAECI
  • The commitments for the prevention of corruption and the culture of integrity of the fifth National Plan for Open Government - Lorenza Ponzone, ANAC; Valentina Donini, National Administration School
  • Question and answer session

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