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The 5th Italian Action Plan for the Open Government 2022-23
Fifth National Action Plan for open government - amended version of 2022 08 31
Key features
The Fifth National Action Plan (5NAP) for Open Government 2022-2023 is the result of a co-creation process that involved the collaboration between all public and private stakeholders interested in the Open Government policies. The process, which involved an average of 70 participants from civil society organizations (CSOs) and public administrations (PAs), resulted in a shared definition of the problems and consequent action priorities to improve the implementation of the Open Government principles in the national context. This was followed by the assumption of responsibility by various public and private actors who initially confirmed their availability for planning the commitments required to address the identified challenges.
During Open Gov Week 2022, the videoclip about 5NAP process has been presented.
The co-creation process
The process was spread over a period of seven months, from July 2021 to January 2022.
The start-up phase (July – September 2021)
After a preparatory phase, the plenary session of the OGP Italia initiative was held on 30 July 2021 to share the outcomes of the 4NAP with the civil society organizations engaged in the Open Government Forum and the administrations participating in the 4NAP. The occasion was also used to launch the discussion regarding the implementation of a subsequent one. The joint commitment was to expand and reinforce participation in the initiative through the process of co-creation of the future NAP, aiming to improve the overall capacity to implement the Open Government principles at national level. In addition, it was agreed to include in the 5NAP commitments aimed at promoting a transparent and open implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), in line with the requirements of the European Union.
In September, a dedicated online space was opened on the national platform ParteciPa aiming to seek expressions of interest from CSOs and PAs for the implementation of Open Government initiatives as part of the Italian participation in the Open Government Partnership.
The phase of proposals collection (October – November 2021)
This phase was focused on the activities of the community enlargement, with the renewed representation of central administrations and institutions of particular importance for the Open Government (ANAC – National Anti-Corruption Authority, ANCI – National Association of Italian Municipalities, UPI – Union of the Provinces of Italy, Commission on public debate) after a request for appointment made by the Minister for Public Administration.
At the same time, a cycle of five webinars took place, aimed to facilitate a coherent knowledge on the Open Government model and, in particular, on the themes of participation, anti-corruption, digital innovation and protection of civic space in the framework of the NRRP. The list of webinars, recordings and materials is available online on EventiPA.
In order to explore these themes, bring forward proposals and identify first relevant actions for the 5NAP, working sessions within each action area were organized in October and November, during the two subsequent plenary sessions of the OGP Italia.
On top of the proposals made during the meetings, numerous proposals were received by the Department for Public Administration from the following actors: the Ministry of Education, MiTE – Ministry of the Ecological Transition, ActionAid, Cittadinanzattiva, Cittadini Reattivi APS, Fondazione Etica, info.nodes Laboratorio didattico Diritto di Accesso Civico, Libera contro le mafie, The Good Lobby, Transparency International Italia, AIP2, Argomenti 2000.
Based on all the proposals made and on the analysis of the national and international context, the OG Task Force of the Department developed a policy brief, divided into thematic areas, action priorities and objectives as well as a first definition of the commitments to be implemented.
The 5NAP development phase (December 2021 – January 2022)
During the working group sessions at the December meeting, the SCO and PA representatives, building on the results of the previous meetings and received contributions, further specified the commitments to be included in the 5NAP, identifying actors responsible for their implementation.
Simultaneously, in December and January, in a shared online workspace were collected applications for collaboration on the final draft of the 5NAP which was accomplished with the technical support of the OG Task Force of the Department for Public Administration.
The final version of the Plan was presented at the Plenary session OGP Italia on 25 January, and was appreciated by all actors participating in the process.
The public consultation phase (25 January – 24 February 2022)
As required by the OGP rules, the 5NAP was subject to an online public consultation on the platform ParteciPA with the aim to increase the number of public and private actors to be involved into the implementation of the Plan.
Afterwards, the final version of the 5NAP and a final report on the consultation, which gathered around 80 inputs and 38 new adherents to the planned commitments, were published.
The contents of the 5NAP
The Plan consists of 5 areas of action:
- Governance and strategy for open government
- Corruption prevention and culture of integrity
- Strengthening civil society participation
- Promotion and protection of the civic space
- Digital transformation and inclusion
Each area introduces commitments to be implemented in around two years’ time through the collaboration of various public and private actors, with the aim to improve the overall capacity of implementing the Open Government principles at national level, in line, as well, with the vision of our strategy for a social and economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, represented by the NRRP.
In particular, each area aims to achieve specific objectives. To strengthen the governance of the OG policy, among the main expected results are the establishment of a FMS and the definition of a national strategy.
In the context of transparency policies for public action, the commitment is to network the relevant actors with the aim of strengthening corruption prevention strategies in the NRRP implementation phase.
Creation of a national Hub on participation and promotion of public debate are the commitments aimed at strengthening the relationship of trust between the communities in administering and management of the territory, as well as bringing together the most advanced national and regional experiences.
A further action is dedicated to promotion of the civic space, improving the effectiveness of gender equality policies implementation, and to promotion of youth participation in public decision-making processes.
Finally, the 5NAP envisages activities to recover the cultural digital divide, common among some target groups of population, such as the elderly, inactive people and youth, and also to improve monitoring of the use of public resources, which, to a large extent, will be spent during the implementation of the NRRP, promoting transparency and monitoring by civil society.