Community OGP Italy
Participation and continuous dialogue between institutions and citizens are essential for effective open government policies. The Community OGP Italy includes public institutions, at all levels of government, and civil society organizations interested in promoting and implementing its principles.
The Community, which complements the previous Open Government Forum and the Institutional Group, is not only a point of reference for discussing the open government issues but is also an actor responsible for developing National Action Plans implemented with the aim of promoting transparency, participation and accountability.
From the Open Government Forum to the Community OGP
The Open Government Forum (OG Forum) officially established on 6 June 2016 was a permanent tool for consultations with the OGP Italy stakeholders. The Forum, introduced and endorsed within the third National Action Plan, brought together representatives of civil society, academic world, businesses and consumer protection associations with the aim to improve communication between stakeholders, to increase citizens’ involvement in the development of the Plan, to establish a feedback process capable of identifying civil society needs and allowing participatory monitoring of the Plan’s implementation.
Its effective performance was ensured through specific organizational rules:
- meetings’ frequency: one plenary meeting every six months, one thematic meeting every two months;
- a clear agenda with an indication, for each meeting, of the topics for discussion and the working methodology used;
- visibility: all the results of the Forum consultations were made public on the website;
- inclusiveness: the Forum has always been open and inclusive to all new civil society organizations wishing to join it;
- majority: decisions were taken based of the will of the majority of those present.
In addition, the OG Forum was an integral part of the fourth National Action Plan (4NAP) implementation of which was finalized in 2021.
The Community OGP Italy
The co-creation process linked to a shared design of the fifth National Action Plan (5NAP) involved an enlarged community of actors and stakeholders. Various stakeholders have joined the process and contributed to the design of a National Plan for open government inspired by the principles of inclusion, participation and sharing. In the new 2022-2023 implementation cycle the OG Forum was strengthened and transformed into the Community OGP Italy, which included new institutional actors, interested public administrations, private companies, more civil society organizations, research institutions, association networks, etc.
The Community OGP Italy is:
- the official community of reference for open government in Italy, promoted by the Department for Public Administration (DFP);
- the tool for an active participation in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the fifth National Action Plan (5NAP).
Join the Community OGP Italy
Dall'Open Government Forum alla Community OGP Italia
L'Open Government Forum (OG Forum), creato nel 2016, quale impegno del terzo Piano di Azione Nazionale, ha riunito rappresentanti della società civile, del mondo universitario, delle imprese e delle associazioni di tutela dei consumatori, con lo scopo di migliorare la comunicazione con gli stakeholder, aumentare il coinvolgimento dei cittadini e costruire un processo di feedback in grado di identificare le esigenze della società civile e consentire un monitoraggio partecipato nell'attuazione del Piano.
L’OG Forum è stato inoltre parte integrante del processo di implementazione del quarto Piano d’Azione Nazionale (4NAP), che si è concluso nel 2021.
Il percorso di co-creazione e attuazione del quinto Piano d'Azione Nazionale 2022-2023 (5NAP) ha portato alla nascita e consolidamento della Community che oggi coinvolge una comunità allargata di attori e portatori di interesse pubblici e privati che contribuiscono all'attuazione delle politiche di governo aperto nazionali e locali.