Multistakeholder Forum
The Multistakeholder Forum (MSF) is the actor in charge of the governance of the Community OGP Italy (OGPIT) which brings together both public and private open government stakeholders. It is the forum for discussions on equal footing between various civil society organizations and institutional actors who have the mission of implementing relevant public policies for the development, implementation and monitoring of the impact of a National strategy for open government.
The MSF is accessed in compliance with the principles of institutional responsibility, representation of interests, transparency, inclusiveness and accountability of all actors participating in the OGPIT, who share the commitment to promote and support a gradual and progressive implementation of the objectives of the National strategy for open government.
Its composition is based on the largest possible representation and inclusiveness and meets the following requirements:
- numerical balance between public administrations and civil society;
- mandate duration: two years maximum, in parallel with the execution of each NAP;
- the mandate of the same organization, either CSO or PA, is renewable only once;
- meetings’ frequency: at least once every two months, reporting every four months to the OGPIT on the progress and challenges to face on the occasion of specific plenaries.
Public administrations and civil society organizations on the list below are members of the Forum in the period 26 July 2022 – 31 December 2023.
Click on the organization for a detailed factsheet and on the name of the contact person for a short video presentation.
- Action Aid – Marco Polvani
- Autorità nazionale anticorruzione (ANAC) – Giovanni Paolo Sellitto
- ANORC – Alessandro Selam
- APS Polygonal – Antonella Milanini
- Cittadini Reattivi – Rosy Battaglia
- Conferenza delle Regioni – Luca Nervi
- Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri, Dipartimento per le pari opportunità – Stefano Pizzicannella
- Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri, Dipartimento per la programmazione e il coordinamento della politica economica – Andrea Chiacchiararelli
- Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministri, Dipartimento per la trasformazione digitale – Leonardo Favario
- FONDACA – Emma Amiconi
- Fondazione Etica – Paola Caporossi
- INPS – Gianmario Zuccalà
- Libera – Leonardo Ferrante
- Ministero dello sviluppo economico – Giovanni Savini
- PAsocial – Marieva Favoino
- REACT SRL - Nicola Capello
- Regione Emilia-Romagna - Francesco Raphael Frieri
- Regione Puglia - Maria Morena Ragone
- Roma Capitale – Stefano Rollo
- Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione – Valentina M. Donini
- The Good Lobby – Federico Anghelé
- Transparency International – Susanna Ferro
The proposal for the Regulation of the Multistakeholder Forum (MSF) is the result of the teamwork of representatives of the following organizations:
● for civil society: Political Horizons, The Good Lobby;
● for public administrations: Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces, Department for Public Administration, Ministry of Ecological Transition.
During the period of 16 May - 15 June 2022, the proposal was subject to a consultation on the ParteciPA platform which involved the OGPIT Community. The Regulation below entered in force on 15 July 2022.
During the first mandate, which will end on 31 December 2023, the MSF may propose amendments to the Regulation if required to ensure a smooth functioning of the Forum and its relations with the OGPIT. These changes must be approved by the Forum followed by a new specific consultation.