Italy at the Open Government Global Summit (15 - 17 December 2021)

Summit globale sul governo aperto
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The Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit started yesterday, ten years after its institution and in a particularly challenging moment in time worldwide. The representatives of governments and civil society organizations are discussing the encountered difficulties and the opportunities for international collaboration.

Italy, represented in OGP institutionally by the Department for Public Administration and politically by the pro tempore Minister for Public Administration, will be present at various Summit events to demonstrate the commitment of national public bodies and civil society to implement concrete actions for open government for the benefit of all citizens.

On 16 December Giuseppe Busia, President of the Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) will intervene on behalf of Italy at the Plenary Holding Power to Account: Diverse Approaches to Anti-Corruption. His presentation will highlight the impact on the definition of the national agenda for the integrity of public procurement after a successful role of the Italy’s Presidency of the G20 leading the anti-corruption group. In addition, he will report on the commitments of the next National Action Plan ensuring the transparency of the NRRP.

Also on 16 December, as part of the Partner Session, the OGP Vital Signs – Insights from the First Ten Years of OGP Data meeting will present the survey results which has analysed almost 200 action plans to assess the effectiveness of the OGP model. Sabina Bellotti (the Italian Point of Contact for OGP – the Department for Public Administration) together with Aidan Eyakuze (Twaweza) will comment on the results and discuss their implications as Co-Chair of the Steering Committee to the actions to be implemented in 2022.

Finally, on 17 December the Closing Plenary of the Summit will give an opportunity to celebrate the progress of OGP in its first decade and reflect on the challenges and scenarios for the next 10 years. It expects the interventions of the outgoing Co-Chairs of the Steering Committee - the Republic of Korea and María Baron (Directorio Legislativo), as well as of the incoming ones - the Italian government and Aidan Eyakuze (Twaweza East Africa).

All Summit sessions broadcasted live can be found on the event website

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