
Gender equality in the public and private sectors

Page index

What is the commitment?

The commitment intends to strengthen the gender dimension in the participatory processes activated by the OGP Multi-Stakeholder Forum and increase data availability within the gender equality certification system.

The expected results are
1) to guarantee equal gender representation within the future OGP Multi-stakeholder Forum;
2) definition of structured moments of dialogue between the National Observatory for the integration of gender equality policies and the future OGP Multistakeholder Forum;
3) transparency of the implementation measures of the certification system for gender equality in companies; Commitments connected to - public participation; - open gender data (digital inclusion).

What is the problem that the commitment will address?

The inclusiveness of participation and consultation processes is a fundamental element to ensure that these are carried out with quality and effectiveness and the availability of data that highlight the impact of public policies by gender and gender equality policies. Cultural barriers and stereotypes must be overcome in participatory processes.

How will the commitment contribute to solving the problem?

Strengthening the gender dimension in the offices responsible for promoting participation processes in public decisions and making data available on implementing the certification system for gender equality in companies.

Why is this commitment relevant to OGP values?

Because it is a commitment that will help promote and develop a culture of gender equality in the public and private sectors, also reducing the current gap between men and women in the world of work.
Because it will help disseminate practices and behaviours that are more attentive to listening to women's needs in public decision-making processes among institutions while strengthening the involvement of women in discussions between the Government and civil society.

Additional information

The proposed activities follow the commitments defined in the G20 Leaders' Concluding Declaration (commitments 33 and 34) on gender equality and female empowerment: Governments must act on "key factors such as equal access to 'education and opportunities, also in the STEM sectors, the promotion of entrepreneurship and female leadership […] overcoming gender stereotypes”.

In the NRRP, the Government dedicates a specific Mission to inclusion (Mission 5 Inclusion and cohesion), which plays a central role in the pursuit of the objectives - transversal to the whole Plan - of support for female empowerment and the fight against gender discrimination, increase in the employment prospects of young people, territorial rebalancing and development of the Mezzogiorno and inland areas.
EU gender equality strategy
National strategy for gender equality
Gender budgeting to assess the commitments of administrations/companies and promote effective equality


Mapping and expansion of women's representatives in the OGP Multi-Stakeholder Forum by the DFP, in collaboration with the PAs and CSOs participating in the implementation of the commitment
Start date - End Date
1st March 2022 - 30th April 2022

Identification and enhancement, by the DFP and the DPO, of structured moments of confrontation between the OGP Multistakeholder Forum and the National Observatory for the integration of gender equality policies
Start date - End Date
1st January 2023 - 31st December 2023

Creation and development by the DPO of a platform that makes data on the implementation of the certification system for gender equality in companies accessible and transparent
Start date - End Date
1st January 2023 - 31th December 2023

Lead implementing actors

  • Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Public Administration Department (DFP)
  • Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department of Equal Opportunities (DPO)

Other actors involved in the implementation - Public sector

  • Rome Municipality
  • Emilia-Romagna Region
  • Unioncamere
  • University of Salerno - Lab Diritto di Accesso Civico - Osservatorio OCIPA

Other actors involved in the implementation - Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the private sector

  • Impegno Donna Association
  • Fondazione Sodalitas
  • Period Think Tank
  • Save the Children

Contact information

Department of Equal Opportunities (DPO), Stefano Pizzicannella s.pizzicannella@governo.it

Public Administration Department (DFP), Beatrice Bernardini, OG Task Force ogp@funzionepubblica.it