The Luxembourg declaration closes the OECD Global Forum & Public Governance

The Global Forum & Public Governance Ministerial Meeting of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which took place in Luxembourg on 17-18 November brought together the global community of countries that adhere to the principles of democracy, free market, transparency and accountability of public policies. The Declaration, adopted at the end of the Ministerial Meeting, commits OECD countries to launch Public Governance initiatives, in particular, in the field of:
- fight against disinformation with the establishment of a platform for strategic analysis and exchange of good practices;
- civic participation and environmental impact of public administrations with a list of commitments to improve representation, participation and openness to the public, as well as to reduce the PA carbon footprint;
- digital democracy to protect electoral processes from hostile acts;
- strengthening the open government principles in a globalized world
The Declaration also provides for the transformation of the OECD Global Forum on Public Governance into the Global Forum on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy. The Trust Gateway will operate within the Global Forum, a platform for a continuous analysis of citizens’ trust in public institutions.
The Open Government Partnership was represented by Paul Maassen, Chief and Country Support, who underlined the importance of protecting civic space and enhancing representation and participation, in compliance with the DAC Recommendation on Enabling Civil Society in Development Cooperation.
Italy was represented by Paolo Zangrillo, the Minister for Public Administration, who closed the year of the Italian Presidency in the OECD Ministerial Council and the year of the Italian Co-Presidency in the Steering Committee of the Open Government Partnership, concluded in October with the transfer of leadership to Estonia. During the session "Transforming public governance for digital democracy" the Minister underlined the role of digital transformation of public services as a key enabling factor to improve citizens' trust in institutions:
“Public administrations must become more flexible, agile and responsive in the way they organize, reward virtuous behavior and stimulate own work. To do this, we have to provide the public sector with the capacity to move forward and identify how the workflow will change, which skills and talents will be required and how to move from the current state of operational response to the one which will be required in the future".
The Minister also presented the agenda for public administration reforms to be implemented by the Italian Government in the framework of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) commitments: ongoing training courses for public management, systems for monitoring of individual and organizational performance, new working modalities and a recruitment system via the inPA portal (mandatory from 1 November).
#Primasessione di lavoro su disinformazione: le politiche di trasparenza, partecipazione e innovazione digitale sono il miglior antidoto alle #FakeNews, che trovano terreno nella percezione di istituzioni distanti, opache e non rispondenti alle attese dei cittadini @opengovitaly
— Paolo Zangrillo (@Paolo_Zangrillo) 18 novembre 2022