Statement from the OGP Co-Chairs on the situation in Ukraine
In line with the statements of the President of the Council of Ministers Mario Draghi strongly condemning the war in Ukraine, Italy together with the OGP Co-Chairs - the Government of Estonia and with the civil society representatives Aidan Eyakuze and Anabel Cruz - decided to share the message of condemnation on behalf of the entire OGP.
Ukraine has been an active OGP member since 2011, a year in which it has committed itself, like Italy, to implement the principles of open government to build a society inspired by democratic values, as part of the process to the EU membership.
Below is the official statement shared with all countries of the OGP Steering Committee.
“We unequivocally condemn the unjustified and unprovoked attack on Ukraine, a member of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) since 2011, and we call on all of the open government community to do the same strongly and in the swiftest terms.
As a member of OGP, Ukraine has taken bold steps to strengthen their democracy, and modernize their country. Model reforms have been implemented in public procurement, beneficial ownership transparency, and sale of public assets. This work has been built on a robust partnership between government, civil society, and media. It has set an example that many in OGP strive to follow in their own efforts
Reformers in and out of government in Ukraine have repeatedly displayed courage and resilience in the face of coercion and threats. We stand in solidarity with them and all Ukrainians now as they face an invasion intended to quell their hopes, replace those who lead their open, democratic institutions and unravel all the work done to make Ukrainian democracy work better for its citizens.
As a Partnership, we must do all we can to support and protect Ukraine.
Government of Italy
Aidan Eyakuze, Executive Director of Twaweza East Africa
Government of Estonia
Anabel Cruz, Director of ICD Uruguay
Read the declaration on the OGP website