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Open data: a tool for civic monitoring of RRP public procurement

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The organizations of civil society (OCSs) are deeply committed to the disclosure of data related to RRP funds. Their interest aims at structuring strategies and solutions which could reduce the current information asymmetries about public spending quality.
Open data related to public spending and beneficiaries of funded initiatives represent an important lever for monitoring processes on public resources by the OCSs.
The webinar aims at illustrating the commitment to make available, according to Open Contracting Data Standard and machine readable, public contracts data also related to RRP infrastructural procurement.
- Opening works - Sauro Angeletti, Civil Service Department
- Introduction- Sergio Agostinelli, FormezPA
- Procurement data as an enabling factor for monitoring the plan - Giampaolo Sellitto, ANAC
- Challenges and opportunities for PNRR open data - Aline Pennisi, MEF - RGS
- The single project code within the PNRR - Andrea Chiacchiararelli, Dip P.E. PCM - OpenCup
- From silos to APIs for (open) data interoperability - Matteo Fortini, Digital Transformation Department
- Citizenship and the PNRR: why it is important that it is not a one-way relationship - Andrea Borruso, On data
- Civic monitoring of PNRR projects: existing practices and future perspectives - Luigi Reggi, Monithon
- Question and answer session
- Summary of the proceedings and closure - Sauro Angeletti, Elisa Barbagiovanni Gasparo - Civil Service Department