The development of the 5th National Action Plan for the open government 2022-2023 completed

The final version of the 5th National Action Plan (5NAP), manifesting Italy's adhesion to the Open Government Partnership (OGP), is available as of today.
The 22-month Action Plan contains OG strategic priorities and related objectives, commitments and expected results defined through collaboration between the government and civil society in the areas of action: transparency and the fight against corruption, participation and promotion of the civic space and inclusive digital innovation.
The 5NAP is the result of an open working method, based on the involvement and collaboration between the OG Task Force of the Department for Public Administration, the representatives of administrations (central, regional, local) and civil society organizations interested in the OG policies, engaged into a co-creation process that lasted several months.
With the aim to increase the number of public and private actors to be involved into the implementation of the Plan, the draft 5NAP was subject to a public consultation on the ParteciPa platform, having gathered around 80 inputs and over 38 new adherents to the planned commitments – another indicator of effectiveness of the adopted approach.
By the publication, the 5NAP formally assumes the nature of commitment towards the national and the international community of OGP.
The 5th Action Plan will be launched on 8 March, during an online meeting in which the political authorities of the Department for Public Administration will meet the community OGP Italia, first of all, to acknowledge the efforts made so far together with the stakeholders, and, no less important, to initiate a dialogue and a discussion about the ongoing open government experiences at national and local level.
As in the past, the website will allow to track the progress of the Plan using a monitoring system fed by the organizations responsible for the commitments, as well as through a regular reporting system.
The Plan includes 9 commitments, linked to the following areas of action:
- Governance and strategy for open government
- Corruption prevention and culture of integrity
- Strengthening civil society participation
- Promotion and protection of the Civic space
- Digital transformation and inclusion
To know more, download and check the 5NAP.