Final steps towards the creation of a national Hub to support participatory policies

The phase of collecting feedback from the Community OGP Italy about the Participation Hub design model is ongoing on ParteciPa.
Creation of a national Hub to support the participation policies is envisaged in the frame of the fifth National Action Plan for Open Government with the aim to enhance and valorize existing practices in order to promote know-how and the most advances experiences at the national and regional levels.
The team engaged into the implementation of the commitment, comprising 5 civil society organizations and 6 public administrations, consulted 33 actors deemed relevant due to their expertise and experience in the field of the participation policies.
A number of survey and research activities, which consisted of qualitative interviews in the first phase, followed by the dissemination of a structured questionnaire, resulted in the development of the "Participation Hub design model".
However, moving to the planning and implementation phase envisages a prior involvement of the Community OGP Italia.
It aims to reach an agreement between the member organization on the definition of the participation, the mission and the objectives of the Hub, as well as to verify the interest of other public and private actors in participation.
Given the importance of collaboration between public administrations and civil society in support of the participation policy which represents the fundamental pillar of Open Government, all Community member organizations are invited to provide their contributions by filling in the questionnaire on the ParteciPA platform by 25 November, 12:00!