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Towards the co-creation of a national strategy for OpenGov in Italy

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The webinar will focus on how Italy is going to co-create its first national strategy for open government through mechanisms of listening and active participation of all stakeholders involved through a Multi Stakeholders Forum. OGP and OECD recommendations are the starting point together with examples of initiatives realized in other OECD countries aiming at the same result. We will also look at the role of media and information for effective institutional communication and at initiatives to facilitate the access to services and information for citizens using a regional portal.
- Opening works
- Towards an Italian strategy for open government - Sabina Bellotti, POC OGP / Civil Service Department
- Designing a National Strategy for Open Government: Comparing Experiences in OECD Countries - Alessandro Bellantoni, OECD
- Institutional communication and open government: the Italian experience in the international context - Alessandra de Marco, PCM - DIE
- Digital data and services for a new relationship between public administration and citizens: the experience of Open Toscana - Gianluca Vannuccini, Tuscany Region
- Question and answer session
Materiali dei relatori
Interventi relatori_OGW2022_1905_Primi passi verso la co-creazione della strategia nazionale Opengov Italia
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