A call to reformers to develop the five-year strategy for open government
Open Government Partnership (OGP) is calling on its community of reformers to actively participate in developing a strategy for the next five years (2023 - 2028).
Applying lessons learned in the past decade of activity, during which the partnership has grown and achieved important results, OGP believes it is necessary to identify new priorities for action related to the challenges and opportunities of this moment of time.
The objective is to invest the energies, experiences and expertise of the community to better pursue OGP's mission in promoting transparent, participatory, inclusive and responsible governance.
The first series of information sessions at international level will take place on the occasion of the Open Gov Week 2022 supplementing the national events. They will highlight the pathway and encourage discussions on the development of the new vision for the next five years.
In order to take part in the development of the new OGP strategy, it is necessary to register to the information session held on 19 May (Thursday), 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm.
On the same day, at 3.00 pm, the Department for Public Administration will hold a webinar First steps towards the co-creation of the national strategy for open government, which aims to present the initiatives implemented in some of the OECD member countries and to showcase how Italy is planning to build its own pathway in this respect. The webinar will also highlight the initiative implemented together with the OpenToscana portal and the significant role of mass media and information in an effective communication of open government initiatives.