The participation in the OpenGov Week 2022

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The OpenGov Week 2022 (OGW2022) closed on 20 May (Friday) was a week dedicated to the promotion of the culture of open government which allowed public administrations and civil society organizations to organize meetings, seminars, debates on transparency and accountability, participation, space civic and inclusive digital innovation.

The Open Gov Week emphasizes the global dimension of the initiative which this year has engaged over 70 countries with around 1300 events.

As the Co-Chair of the Steering Committee, Italy had the honour of providing political support to the event through an interview with the Minister for Public Administration Brunetta, who reminded of the origin of the initiative, organized for the first time in Italy in 2017 and afterwards in 2018 - globally.

Italy has organized 31 national events, such as webinars, hackathons, focus group meetings on open government and the release of open data sets.

Traditionally, a new edition of the Open Gov Champion Award 2022 has been launched, it targets civil society organizations that have implemented open government initiatives and achieved significant results.

Together with the Department for Public Administration (DFP) and FormezPA, the co-protagonists of the OGW2022 were other 21 actors who organized events during the week. Among these are AgID, ANCI, Chambers of Commerce, the Department for Digital Transition, Roma Capitale, SNA, the University of Salerno and various local administrations. The ten events organized by the DFP in collaboration with Formez PA were attended by over 1200 participants.

This year once again the initiative has engaged as key actors the organizations and people who commit themselves in various ways to make the Italian public administration a place for dialogue with civil society for developing transparent policies aimed at innovation.

Among the topics covered were digital citizenship, open data as a tool for civic monitoring of NRRP procurement, coordination of anti-corruption strategies, promotion of civic space for youth and women, the role of public debate in enhancing links between large-scale works and the territory. In general, the discussion was focused on the contribution of open government policies and rendering them more effective through the development of a national strategy aimed at enhancing the quality of public services and democracy.

On the occasion of the OGW2022, the community took stock of the progress on the implementation of the 5NAP and launched an important consultation on the proposal for a regulation of the Multistakeholder Forum; the results of the consultation will be used to establish the latter.

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The OGW2022 was also actively followed on Twitter. The Open Gov Italia account has earned over 400,000 views and thousands of engagements, exceeding 3,000 followers: the open government community continues to grow!

Increased interaction was generated both by the tweet on the launch of the Open Gov Week 2022, inaugurated at the Plenary session of the Community OGP Italia, and by the ANAC initiative, re-launched as well by Open Gov Italia.


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More information on other events organized:

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